Investment as of Feb 28, 2025 | Category: Global - Other as of Jan 31, 2025 | Data is based on the long position of the equity holdings (style factors).
The Classic View displays an investment's asset allocation using Morningstar’s traditional methodology where exposure derived from owning a derivative is equal to exposure its underlying instrument or index. For investments without derivatives, this view will match the new Economic Exposure and Market Value views.
The Economic Exposure View displays the sensitivity of portfolio return to various asset classes. Economic Exposure will model the impact of these instruments based on their inherent leverage rather than solely based on their market values. Compared to the Classic Asset Allocation, this view provides additional clarity to investors around how funds use derivatives to adjust the portfolio’s risk profile in addition to more clearly depicting sources of risk and return.
The Market Value View displays the distribution of assets in a portfolio according to the balance sheet of the investment and the statement of investments. The Market Value view reflects the expected cash payments upon selling instruments on the open market or the liquidity value of the portfolio.